Thanks for your interest in interviewing me!
Please let me know more details about your event or interview idea, I love speaking at events or on podcasts!
Suggested interview topics
My best topics are anything related to mental health and therapy, or how to use My Little Therapy Box and the benefits of the resource.
For example…
- How being creative with clients in therapy can help them to communicate more effectively
- How people can maintain good mental health
- Anything related to learning and development of therapists
I am more likely to collaborate with you if-:
- You have a decent number of subscribers on your newsletter list.
- Brands that align to My Little Therapy Box) We would be happy to promote what we both do to our own audiences
How I promote you after our interview…
- I post on my social media pages
- I add your photo and info to my media page on my website
I’m based in Nottingham, England and set aside two days a week for interviews. I’m sorry I can’t do weekends.
How do I schedule in an interview?
Send me an email here and we will make contact within 3 working days.
I’m also happy to discuss creating a giveaways or affiliate promotion.